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Impact measurement and management

Tools, frameworks, and practices used to assess, monitor, and report on the social and environmental impact of social enterprises.

Actors in the impact measurement and management domain include:

  • Social Enterprises

    A social enterprise is a business that puts people and planet first. They trade like any other business, but exist specifically to make the world a better place. Social enterprises can adopt a range of legal structures, identities, and play multiple roles, across different domains, in the ecosystem.

  • Research centres

    Academic units and think tanks that conduct studies and critical analysis on social enterprise trends, practices, and impacts.

  • Capability builders

    Organisations that provide training, mentoring, and resources to help social entrepreneurs and social enterprises develop and grow. May include consulting firms, support agencies, and education providers.

  • Professional service providers

    Firms and consultants that offer specialised support to social enterprises, such as legal advice, accounting, marketing, and impact measurement.

  • Standards organisations

    Bodies that establish and maintain certification schemes and benchmarks for social enterprise performance and impact. Standards may be related to specific areas of impact (e.g. animal welfare), specific products (e.g. Fair Trade), or whole of organisation (e.g. People and Planet First).

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