Terms of Use


These Terms of Use govern access to and use of the website: www.understorey.org.au developed by Social Enterprise Australia (we/us/our).

By accessing the website, you acknowledge and accept these Terms of Use, our Privacy Statement and Data Breach Protocol. We may at any time change these Terms of Use, our Privacy Statement, Data Breach Protocol or any other content of the website.

You must not:

  • use the website in any way contrary to law or regulation or these Terms of Use
  • in any way interfere with access to, or functionality of, the website, or
  • reproduce, incorporate or store any information from the website except as permitted in accordance with these Terms of Use.


The information provided on the website is general. It is not intended to constitute legal, business or other professional advice or as a substitute for obtaining professional advice.

While we try to ensure the content on the website and linked websites is appropriate, it may not be accurate, current or complete in all respects. Consequently, we do not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the website, linked websites, and their content.

When we link to external websites, or 'like', 'comment' or 'connect with' in LinkedIn, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), we do so in good faith but we do not endorse or recommend their content, goods or services. 

We are not accountable or responsible for any loss suffered in connection with the use of the website, linked websites or their content. We exclude, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability arising from the use of the website, linked websites, and their content.

If you are concerned about the accuracy, currency or completeness of the website, linked websites, or their content, we encourage you to contact team@understorey.org.au.

Linking the Understorey website

We encourage direct linking to the website provided:

  • You check the link periodically as information or page structures may change over time
  • Your website does not contain content that could be construed as distasteful or offensive, and 
  • Your website does not claim or infer the existence of any relationship with, or endorsement by, us unless you have obtained our written consent.

We retain the right to seek the removal of any link to the website.

Intellectual Property

We own or are entitled under licence to all rights, title and interests (including present and future copyright) in the website. 

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable licence to use the website in accordance with these Terms of Use. Nothing in these Terms of Use or the website give you ownership of any content. 

You may not sell, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, republish, licence, frame, upload, transmit, post, communicate or use the content except as permitted:

1. by our Creative Commons Licence Terms (under development)

2. by these Terms of Use or by us in writing, or

3. under the Copyright Act, including fair dealing purposes such as private study, research, criticism or review.

If you want to publish or reproduce any content for any other purpose, please contact team@understorey.org.au.

If you access linked websites, you must use their content in accordance with the website owner’s terms of use and seek their permission if required before publishing or reproducing their content.

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