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Hubs and spaces

Physical locations that provide infrastructure, resources, and community for social enterprises and entrepreneurs.

Actors in the hubs and spaces domain include:

  • Social Enterprises

    A social enterprise is a business that puts people and planet first. They trade like any other business, but exist specifically to make the world a better place. Social enterprises can adopt a range of legal structures, identities, and play multiple roles, across different domains, in the ecosystem.

  • Innovation hubs

    Centres that foster creativity, collaboration, and experimentation to develop new social enterprise ideas and solutions.

  • Co-working spaces

    Shared facilities that provide affordable workspace and community for social entrepreneurs and enterprises.

  • Local Governments

    City or local-level authorities that have a specific influence on community-based social enterprises and localised initiatives.

  • Corporations

    Large companies that engage with social enterprises through partnerships, procurement, investment, and corporate social responsibility programs.

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