A view of Earth from space with a dark background, featuring the logo of Inner Development Goals. The logo consists of concentric circles above the text 'Inner Development Goals: Transformational Skills for Sustainable Development' in white.

Inner Development Goals (IDGs): A Framework for Personal and Collective Growth

The ‘Inner Development Goals (IDGs)’ framework outlines 23 essential skills and qualities to foster personal growth, leadership, and systemic change, enabling individuals and organisations to better address global challenges like the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

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The IDGs emerged from the recognition that solving complex societal issues requires not just external solutions but also inner development. This includes strengthening cognitive, emotional, and relational skills to transform how we approach challenges. The IDG initiative builds on research and broad consultation, uniting global thought leaders, practitioners, and organisations to co-create this open-source framework. The IDGs are organised into five dimensions:  

  1. Being – Relationship to Self:
  • Skills: inner compass, integrity, self-awareness, presence, openness, and a learning mindset.  
  • Focus: Cultivating personal reflection, purpose, and resilience. 
  1. Thinking – Cognitive Skills:
  • Skills: critical thinking, complexity awareness, perspective skills, sense-making, long-term orientation, and visioning.
  • Focus: developing clarity, systems thinking, and the ability to navigate uncertainty.
  1. Relating – Caring for Others and the World:
  • Skills: appreciation, connectedness, humility, empathy, and compassion.
  • Focus: building relationships rooted in care, connection, and mutual understanding.
  1. Collaborating – Social Skills:
  • Skills: communication, co-creation, inclusive mindset, trust, and mobilisation.
  • Focus: fostering collaboration, collective action, and inclusive leadership.
  1. Acting – Driving Change:
  • Skills: courage, creativity, optimism, and perseverance.
  • Focus: taking decisive, innovative, and sustained action for transformative change.  

The IDGs provide a practical, globally relevant framework for personal and societal transformation, equipping individuals and organisations to address complex challenges with clarity, compassion, and action. IDG resources can be found here.

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