Who we are
Social Enterprise Network Victoria (SENVIC) is a vibrant community of over 300 social enterprises across Victoria, bringing together more than 750 individuals involved in or supporting the sector.
Our mission is to build a connected community of social enterprises, facilitate access to learning and development opportunities, and amplify the voice and influence of social enterprise throughout Victoria.
We share our members’ vision for a just, inclusive, and sustainable society, believing that social enterprise is a powerful pathway to achieving this vision. Social enterprise deserves its own spaces to connect, grow, and shape the world around us.
What we do
We are a small and buzzing organisation that enables a network of passionate social innovators. Our team is filled with highly motivated, conscientious and collaborative people who love what they do and uphold the SENVIC principles:
- Enable an independent, practitioner-led network.
- Collaborate with and support the development of the broader social enterprise ecosystem.
- Be optimistic, energetic and entrepreneurial.
- Harness resources effectively for impact.
Our work
Victorian Social Enterprises: Empowering Change & Driving Success
VideosSENVIC's exists to grow a thriving social enterprise sector in Victoria. We're thrilled to present recent highlights in our work to connect social enterprises to each other and to development opportunities, as well as to influence state-wide social enterprise policies.
Victorian Social Enterprises: Empowering Change & Driving SuccessSENVIC Strategic Plan 2022-25
E-booksFor social enterprise practitioners and enablers.
SENVIC Strategic Plan 2022-25
Head office:
- Victoria
Service location(s):
- Victoria
Type(s) of actor:
- Peak bodies
Area(s) of activity: