The image shows the "Centre for Social Impact" logo, with a geometric pattern on the left and "SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY" on the right.

Centre for Social Impact Swinburne University of Technology

Who we are

The Centre for Social Impact Swinburne (CSI Swinburne) focuses on building a more sustainable and equitable world through social entrepreneurship and technology; integrating research, education and practice.

Established in 2014, CSI Swinburne is a highly industry-engaged, practice-oriented research and teaching centre, based in Swinburne’s School of Business, Law and Entrepreneurship (SoBLE) and is one of four university-based nodes of the highly respected CSI national network.

  • We are informed by lived-experience and are embedded in the social purpose ecosystem.
  • We are capacity builders, uplifting knowledge, skills and connections.
  • We connect different sectors, recognising everyone has a role to play.
  • We are systems-led because complex social inequities often arise for systemic reasons.
  • We combine academic rigour with a practical focus.
  • We have local, national and global reach.


A promotional graphic for the Research for Social Impact podcast, presented by the Centre for Social Impact Swinburne and hosted by Susan Pizzati.

The Research for Social Impact Podcast, presented by the Centre for Social Impact (CSI) at Swinburne University of Technology

What we do

CSI Swinburne is focused on people and technology working together for a better world, exploring the intersection between social entrepreneurship and technology, in areas such as:

  • social enterprise, social business and social finance
  • community services innovation
  • employment access and equity
  • impact evaluation and measurement

CSI Swinburne hosts a number of free online tools and resources including the Social Start Up Studio, which offers free, evidence-based resources online that cover the important basics that you need to know before you think about starting a social enterprise.

CSI Swinburne will lead Australia's first Disability Employment Centre of Excellence—bringing together researchers, peak bodies, employers, people with disability and their families to improve economic participation and employment opportunities.

Our work

Head office:

  • Victoria

Service location(s):

  • Victoria

Type(s) of actor:

  • Capability builders
  • Higher education institutions
  • Research centres
  • Professional service providers

Team portrait photos - contact us

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