Who we are
Ability Enterprises is a not-for-profit, social enterprise providing meaningful employment opportunities to marginalised individuals living in regional Queensland.
Since 2012, we have worked alongside more than 400 people facing barriers to employment. From the beginning, we have capitalised on our strong reputation to foster meaningful partnerships. Organisations and businesses we work with include Toowoomba Regional Council, Carers Queensland, QIC Toowoomba, Lockyer Valley Regional Council, QBuild, Newlands and Masterhire.
Today, our social enterprises collectively employ just under 90 people and operations span across waste management, hospitality, maintenance, administration and cleaning industries.
What we do
We provide a social enterprise vehicle for people facing barriers to employment.
Through strategic community and corporate partnerships, we provide a social enterprise vehicle to support individuals living with mental illness, people living with a disability, refugees and Indigenous Australians. All employees are paid full award wages.
At Ability Enterprises, we nurture a workplace environment where everyone feels respected, valued and supported.
Our people work across waste management, hospitality, maintenance, administration and cleaning industries, delivering a high standard of service.
We place a high value on workplace diversity and pride ourselves on fostering a business culture that offers support, flexible working conditions and additional, personalised assistance.
Our work
What does Ability Enterprises do?
ArticlesPeople often ask us what does Ability Enterprises actually do? And the answer is simple - we help people. We help them by providing pathways to real work and meaningful job opportunities, we help people who have struggled to gain ongoing employment in the past. We help them by providing opportunity & hope.
What does Ability Enterprises do?Mattress Recycling - A win for the environment & our team!
ArticlesAbility Enterprises has partnered with the Toowoomba Regional Council and the Lockyer Valley Regional Council to not only recycle mattresses and divert these large waste items from land fill, but to also provide jobs for local people who are facing barriers to employment.
Mattress Recycling - A win for the environment & our team!
Head office:
- Queensland
Service location(s):
- Queensland
Type(s) of actor:
- Social Enterprises
Area(s) of activity: