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Standards and certifications

Frameworks and accreditation systems that define and validate social enterprise practices and impacts.

Actors in the standards and certifications domain include:

  • Social Enterprises

    A social enterprise is a business that puts people and planet first. They trade like any other business, but exist specifically to make the world a better place. Social enterprises can adopt a range of legal structures, identities, and play multiple roles, across different domains, in the ecosystem.

  • Standards organisations

    Bodies that establish and maintain certification schemes and benchmarks for social enterprise performance and impact. Standards may be related to specific areas of impact (e.g. animal welfare), specific products (e.g. Fair Trade), or whole of organisation (e.g. People and Planet First).

  • Market connectors

    Brokers that link social enterprises with customers to facilitate and grow trade. They may use a variety of platforms and means of intermediation, and specialise in different customer segments including retail, business-to-business, public sector procurement, or outcome purchasers.

  • Professional service providers

    Firms and consultants that offer specialised support to social enterprises, such as legal advice, accounting, marketing, and impact measurement.

  • Peak bodies

    National or regional associations that represent and advocate for the interests of social enterprises and the broader sector. Peak bodies may be governed by their members and also provide networking activities, capacity building, and events.

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