Shield with a tick inside illustration

Policy and regulation

Government policies, laws, and regulations that create an enabling environment for social enterprises to operate and thrive.

Actors in the policy and regulation domain include:

  • Federal Government

    National-level government agencies and departments that determine social enterprise policy and funding.

  • State Governments

    State and Territory-level government bodies that oversee regional social enterprise policies, development strategies, and regulations.

  • Local Governments

    City or local-level authorities that have a specific influence on community-based social enterprises and localised initiatives.

  • Peak bodies

    National or regional associations that represent and advocate for the interests of social enterprises and the broader sector. Peak bodies may be governed by their members and also provide networking activities, capacity building, and events.

  • Research centres

    Academic units and think tanks that conduct studies and critical analysis on social enterprise trends, practices, and impacts.

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