Who we are
We're a Melbourne-based social enterprise empowering communities by putting an earned dollar in a person’s pocket through ethical, direct coffee trade, food preservation and climate action, focusing on preserving the planet for future generations.

Our coffee beans are freshly roasted in Melbourne and for every kilo we plant a tree!

Shop our collection of preserves.

Our Corner Store coffee van.
What we do
We make tasty goodies that help our planet and support its people.
Our work
A double shot of good
PlatformsCorner Store Coffee is for those who want delicious specialty coffee with a side of social and environmental impact.
A double shot of goodPreserves the planet deserves
PlatformsCorner Store Preserves exist to fight food waste and food insecurity, but the fact they are absolutely delicious doesn’t hurt!
Preserves the planet deservesReplenishing the planet
PlatformsFor every kilo of coffee roasted, we plant a tree - reducing poverty and reforesting lands in Timor-Leste.
Replenishing the planetWe’re shaking up food systems
PlatformsOur regenerative food hubs are on a mission to ensure every person globally has access to nutritious food, one pickle at a time.
We’re shaking up food systems
Head office:
- Victoria
Service location(s):
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia
Type(s) of actor:
- Social Enterprises
Area(s) of activity: