Terms of Reference
Information and Education Advisory Group for the Social Enterprise Development Initiative
The Social Enterprise Development Initiative ("SEDI") has established two advisory bodies to provide guidance to Social Enterprise Australia ("SEA") in its efforts to develop and curate relevant information and educational resources for the Australian social enterprise sector ("the Sector"), as part of the SEDI Education and Mentoring Coordinator program ("the Program"). The Program has been commissioned to SEA by the Commonwealth Government ("the Government") through the Department of Social Services ("DSS").
The advisory bodies consist of:
- Learning Design Group: A small group focused on the Program’s educational framework and learning methods and approaches.
- Advisory Circle: A wider group of experts providing diverse perspectives and expertise.
Both groups are advisory in nature, and final decisions on Program design and delivery ultimately rest with DSS.
Learning Design Group
- Help design and evolve the underpinning approach for the information and education components of SEDI and inform learning communities.
- Provide educational expertise and guidance on methods that can contribute to the effectiveness of learning opportunities and resources.
- Ensure support and resources are provided in ways consistent with the values and long-term interests of the Sector.
Advisory Circle
- Review and advise on information and education components of SEDI and its support of learning communities, including specific content.
- Help source materials and provide insight on resource gaps.
- Help identify knowledge and practice gaps experienced by social enterprises.
Both groups should provide advice in ways consistent with the values and long-term interests of the Sector.
Learning Design Group
- The group will consist of 6-8 members with educational expertise including methods used to support adult learners.
- Members will be appointed by SEA through a selection process based on relevant experience and expertise, which also considers the composition of the whole group, and seeks to include rural and regional, First Nations, and culturally and racially marginalized voices.
Advisory Circle
- The Circle will consist of 12-16 members, representing diverse expertise, experience, and perspectives relevant to social enterprise.
- Members will have significant experience working with social enterprise and be equipped to provide expert/informed reviews of Sector-based information and educational resources.
For both groups:
- Members will serve an initial term of one year, with the possibility of renewal or extension based on mutual agreement.
- Members will be asked to sign an agreement/letter of engagement with SEA covering the scope and terms of their roles, ways of working, code of conduct, and contracting terms.
- Membership will not restrict Members or associated entities from tendering for other Program-related contracts/services.
- Membership will be published on the Understorey website.
Meetings and engagement
Learning Design Group
- The group will meet regularly (frequency to be determined) with additional meetings convened on an 'as-needed basis'.
- Meetings will be held virtually, with agendas and supporting materials circulated in advance.
Advisory Circle
- Members will be engaged primarily on an individual basis, as needed for specific tasks or input.
- Occasional Advisory Circle meetings may be convened for broader discussions or updates.
For both groups:
- SEA will convene and facilitate all meetings.
- Minutes will be taken and circulated to members following each meeting.
- While approvals are not delegated to the groups, a record of Members' support and dissent with respect to proposals and recommendations will be maintained.
Time commitment and compensation
Learning Design Group
- Members will be asked to provide up to 40 hours of their time to support the Program per year.
- Members will be offered a fee of $3,300 per year, including GST (or $3,000 GST exclusive), paid in half-year installments in advance.
Advisory Circle
- Members will be asked to provide up to 20 hours of their time to support the Program per year.
- Members will be offered a fee of $1,650 per year, including GST (or $1,500 GST exclusive), paid in half-year installments in advance.
For both groups:
- Members may choose not to take a fee (for any reason).
- Members will be reimbursed for reasonable travel and accommodation expenses, if incurred, subject to pre-approval by SEA.
Roles and responsibility
Members are expected to actively participate, providing their expertise and insights to help shape the Program's direction and content.
- Members will provide their perspectives and inputs, but final decisions on program design and delivery will rest with SEA.
- Members will be asked to abide by the relevant aspects of SEA's code of conduct and conflict of interest policies.
- SEA will provide overall coordination and secretariat support for both groups.
- Email will be the primary means of communication between Members.
- SEA will maintain a shared document repository to enable access to and collaboration on key documents.
- SEA reserves the right to terminate Membership of individuals of either group at any time.
- In the event of termination, fees paid in advance will not be reclaimed.
Review and amendment
- The terms of reference will be reviewed annually and updated as needed to ensure both groups remain relevant and effective.
- Amendments may be made outside of the annual review cycle if urgent changes are needed, subject to approval by SEA in consultation with the groups.